Friday, April 07, 2006

Adjusting to a new Culture

Once again, this is long overdue. It has been a bit of a hassle not having internet access in my soon as I get it, I will post more frequently and also put up pictures so you can see what it is like here!

Well, I am truly adjusting to this new way of life and finding that I really like it. It is beautiful here...Trier is surrounded by green hills and the Mosel River is very pretty as well, especially at night. The city is fairly simple (but not completely) to navigate through. I live in a dorm right by the Mosel and the university is further west. To get there, I have to walk for about 10 minutes to the Porta Nigra (an enormous Roman gate that is the center of the city---it simply amazes everytime I walk by it), and then take a bus for about 15 minutes to the University.

On Monday, our intensive language class began and today we got out a bit early. I have eaten in the Mensa (cafeteria) everyday for lunch...but, the cafeteria workers are on strike and so we have only had one choice for lunch and the line has been very long. I have never been directly affected by a strike before, but I am learning that they do not make life any easier.

It has been fun meeting other international students and visiting with them about the differences in our cultures. For example, last night we went to a German restaurant and I sat with mostly Italians. They said that they really do say, 'Momma Mia' in Italy and that it annoys them with tourists drink cappucinos after dinner because to them, they are meant to only be had in the morning. Then, they asked me many questions about America...Why are we all overweight and why did we vote for President Bush a second time. I learned that not only are these questions difficult to explain in English, but also in a language that is foreign to both the speaker and listener.

Germans here also fit the stereotype of being very orderly and punctual...For example, on the bus yesterday, someone must have pushed the button by their seat meaning that they intended to get off at the next stop. Well, no one got off and that made the bus driver very angry...she scolded us for someone having done that because she stopped for no reason.

I am happy because the sun is finally shining after a week of rain. I think I will probably explore the city a bit more today. Like I wrote earlier, I hope to post some pics and more entries soon.

Take care...Tschus!


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