Friday, May 12, 2006's Friday!

This city skipped over spring and jumped right into summer. It is beautiful, but hot and humid with the river nearby. I have been keeping busy with classes (German mainly, but also two lecture classes in Media Studies), playing soccer with other international and German students, and also a new project...

My isep (international student exchange program) coordinator asked a few international students to help with creating a new brochure that they hand out to the students. I was one student asked, which means I will be working with the coordinator, a German student, and four other international students to create a better (meaning more interesting and with better info) to send to the students prior to coming to Trier. And I am also really excited because my tutor asked me to write an article about the DAAD soccer tournament" for the student newspaper!

What else? I am about to head out for yet another grill-out, aka..."bbq". They are really popular here! I made veggie kebaps and am actually bringing Pringle BBQ chips! Should be fun. And tomorrow...we are taking a day trip to Luxembourg!

Also, just realized that I have yet to post a pic of the university. Here is one, but it doesn't do justice to the lego-lookalike buildings. It was built in the 70's, so I guess that makes sense. Regardless, here is the path I take to go to my classes everyday!

Schoenes Wochenende!


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